Church Services at the Camp

While camp is in session, church services take place every Sunday.  An abridged church service is also held every Wednesday evening.

Each camp session is initiated with a Sunday evening candelight service.  Campers (and all church goers), receive small candles that are lit prior to a solemn, quiet procession to the Church.  The candle flames are carefully guarded during the procession and service, only to be extinguished upon safe arrival back in the camp.  The procession of campers up the mountain to the outdoor cathedral remains a spectacle to behold.

Weather permitting Sunday services are held in the mountainside outdoor cathedral.  The procession begins at 10:40 AM, with services commencing at 11:00 AM.

At the Camp's inaugural church service in 1956, beloved Latvian poet and writer, Nikolajs Kalniņš honored the camp by unveiling a choral that he had authored thanking God for providing a place of natural beauty that children can call their own. This beautifully written choral echoes across the camp during Sunday services to this day:

Augšā saule zeltaina,
Lejā lauks un ezers zils,
Sakiet, kas vēl skaistāka
Kā šī Dieva celtā pils?

Nav virs vārtiem zeltā kalts,
Kam šis greznais mājoklis;
Putni dzied un koki šalc:
Bērns šai pilī karālis!

Prieks zem saules paspārnēm,
Prieks, kur lauks un ezers zils.
Pateicības gavilēm
Pildās lielā dabas pils.