What does a typical day at camp entail?
The daily camp program is designed in support of the stated mission of the camp, while providing opportunities for the campers to learn, socialize and grow. Although each “Period” has a different theme and activities, a general sense of the program can be gained by looking at a typical day’s Agenda.
Sample Agenda for the Day:
- Morning revelry and calesthenics
- Breakfast
- Religion-themed lectures
- Cabin spruce-up
- Elective interest group activities (sports, art, music, singing)
- Lunch
- Meditation hour
- Swimming
- Team sports (volleyball, soccer, basketball, etc.)
- Dinner
- Literary lectures
- Age-appropriate evening activities
In addition to the routine activities defined above, the following events have become camp traditions:
- Age-appropriate excursions to nearby attractions to hike or swim
- Evening campfires
- Weekend dances (with a more formal “dinner dance” the last Saturday of each “Period”
- An obstacle race challenge
- A Sport Festival (or “Olympics”)
- Church services every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning