2020. gada Heritage Īkšķīši "Little Thumbs"

2. augusta - 8. augustam / August 2 - August 8

This week is structured for children of Latvian descent who do not understand and/or cannot speak Latvian.

Ikšķīši is a family camp. A parent or guardian must accompany children at all times, including during meals. Other parents or adults may participate and pay for meals as they wish. Camp director this year will be Laila Gansert.

Pieteikšanās / Registration

Please register and make your room reservations by using our online registration system. 

Registration will begin in March 2019. Pease use the REGISTRATION INFORMATION link on the left.

Dalības maksa / Fees

Children of members in good standing of the NY Latvian Ev Lutheran Church congregation: $250
Others: $300

There are additional fees for lodging and a $185 fee for participating adults. 

Please note! Members of the NY Latvian Ev Lut Church congregation who have not paid their 2019 dues will be asked to pay the 'others' rate.