For more than fifty years the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of New York has been operating a summer camp in Upstate New York’s Catskill Mountains.  Located in a quiet, natural mountain setting approximately two hours north of New York City, the camp has seen more than 3,000 Latvian children pass through its gates.

The camp offers a variety of summer programs for children between the ages of seven (7) and fifteen (15), with special week-long programs available for pre-campers (ages 2 to 6) and senior citizens.

The mission of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of New York congregation’s summer camp in the Catskills is to provide children a camping experience that is founded in Christianity, awareness of their Latvian heritage and the Latvian community at large. 

Visit the Latvian Ev Lutheran Church of NY website. 

The camp embraces Latvian children, regardless of whether they are members of the New York Latvian Ev. Lut. congregation, another Lutheran congregation elsewhere, or are not members of any church.