Registration for all sessions willl begin on Wednesday, March 5.
About the camp registration process
For those of you that used the system last year, we encourage you to use your existing USER NAME and PASSWORD to sign in to the registration system. Reminders can be requested via the site.
New users will need to register first and establish a USER NAME and PASSWORD before being able to register for any camp sessions. Registering will allow you to view all sign up information, as well as payment balances. We are asking that each family only register ONCE for all children that plan to sign up for camp.
For those planning to register for the 2-6 yr olds program-Īkšķīši, you will first sign up for the desired session, and then register individual Īkšķīši campers and their accompanying chaperones (parents, guardians), as well as select accommodations. Room selections will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.
Starting with June 1, you will not be able to make a room selection for ĪkšķĪši using the online registration system. Those registering after June 1 need to contact to make a room reservation.
Once you submit your registration request, making changes becomes complicated, so we encourage you to complete the registration process carefully! If you do need to make changes, please contact the camp administrator via e-mail at
The system will automatically calculate your fees and you will have the opportunity to review them in total on your screen before submitting payment. You will also receive an e-mail confirming your registration.
At this time, the system can only accept Visa or MasterCard.
Questions? Contact our camp administrators: